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Case Study: Ashley and Martin 16 Year Old Female Hair Loss Study

September 7th, 2015 by Rob Donkersloot in Case Studies

A 16 year Caucasian female patient presented to Ashley and Martin with thinning hair throughout the top of her scalp, having experienced this for the last two years.

Examination revealed extensive thinning from the frontal hairline to the back of the crown, consistent with female pattern stage 1.

She had a strong family history of hair loss with both males and females on both sides of her family.

This was causing stress and anxiety, especially so being such a young age and still in school.

Low level laser therapy was initiated with a lasercap, however with mixed results. She decided to opt for the alternative medical treatment available, and started on a prescribed topical treatment, oral tablets and shampoos.

Shortly after she noticed her hair increasing in density, and becoming stronger and healthier.

Within four months her results became much more evident, and she expressed excitement at having a new found confidence in her appearance. Being the middle of summer, she was happy to finally be able to go to the beach and have a swim with her friends without worrying about how thin her hair looked after getting it wet.

Photos revealed quite a significant increase in hair density and the patient was delighted to see the photo evidence, which confirmed her own assessment.

She is currently maintaining this result with the same Ashley and Martin products as a preventative treatment, and finds it an easy part of her daily routine.


