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Client Happy to Know He Could Keep His Hair as Long as He Wants

June 17th, 2019 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

Jake* first realised his hair was becoming thinner when he was 26. But as no one around him had mentioned it, this gradual loss did not cause him much concern to begin with. The first comment came from his hairdresser during a haircut. Hearing her point out that she could see his hair thinning was enough to send Jake running to book an appointment with a hair loss specialist.

During his first consultation the benefits of Ashley and Martin’s medical hair regrowth program were shown to Jake. Rather than relying on a single treatment option to combat the effects of his hair loss, the proposed intervention would target all facets of Jake’s loss; disrupting the actual process causing his hair to fall out and reversing the detrimental effects of male pattern baldness. Photographs of other patients with similar hair loss programs to Jake illustrated just how effective the RealGROWTH® hair loss treatment program could be in his situation.

Knowing his work schedule would be hectic, Jake was concerned he may not be able to regularly attend the recommended low-level laser therapy appointments in the clinic. The consultant reassured him that despite not being able to participate fully in the program, he would still see positive results as long as he diligently followed his treatment routine at home.

It was not until twelve months later that Jake was finally able to find the time to attend an Ashley and Martin Review appointment. Looking at photos taken a year previously in his initial appointment next to ones taken that day, Jake could see his adherence to his daily treatment routine had paid off. His hair was back to its former, thick state and he was very happy to know he would be able to maintain his hair for as long as it was important to him.




*name changed to protect privacy