Case Study: Client Sees Himself From Behind in Photos and Reaches His Turning Point
For Lee*, hair loss was something that was easy to put to the back of his mind. The thinning he was experiencing was taking place predominantly on his crown and it had become an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ situation for him. However, cameras were not so forgiving as the bathroom mirror.
It was the comments about his bald patch by a friend looking at photos from a function he had attended that prompted Lee to reach his turning point. He had always been aware he was losing hair, but now he was determined to put an end to it.
Lee met with a consultant at Ashley and Martin to find out how to put an end to the hair loss he had inherited from other men in his family. The whole process of arresting and reversing male pattern hair loss with medical treatment was laid out by his consultant and satisfied that he was in good hands, Lee was keen to start the process straight away.
Although it was difficult for Lee to attend the clinic for regular laser therapy appointments, he was diligent with his simple, nightly treatment routine at home. And before he even had progress photos taken by his consultant during the review process, he knew his treatment was working. Where his crown had been sparsely covered with thin hairs previously, he could see thicker, darker, healthier hairs budding and filling his bald patch.
As more hair follicles exited their dormancy and began to grow, the same friend who had initially prompted him to seek treatment by commenting on his photos spoke out about the changes there were seeing. They were amazed by the fuller head of hair Lee was sporting and could not believe things had turned around for him so quickly.
After reaching his turning point and coming to Ashley and Martin, Lee had no reason to be camera shy.
*name changed to protect privacy