Case Study: Client Regrows Hair Thanks to Empathetic Friend
It was a close friend that referred Joe* to Ashley and Martin. Having noticed how sparse the covering over Joe’s entire scalp had become, he empathised with how concerning this might be. Joe confided that he was not happy about losing his hair at all and it was something he would like to fix. Knowing Ashley and Martin would be able to help, Joe’s friend strongly suggested he make an appointment to go and see a hair loss consultant. After all, it had worked for him.
Chatting with his consultant during his free consultation, Joe talked about his family history of male pattern hair loss; his own having become apparent over the past five years. After further discussing his medical history and Joe’s expectations of treatment, the consultant had a clear idea of the cause of the condition and what Joe aimed to achieve. A strong candidate for the RealGROWTH® program, the consultant explained the process of treatment to Joe.
With the history of baldness in the family, Joe knew without a shadow of a doubt what was in his future if he did not engage in treatment. And having seen the results RealGROWTH® had given his friend, Joe confidently signed up for his own treatment program.
Joe diligently followed his program as laid out by his consultant, attending fortnightly laser therapy treatments at the clinic and following what he found to be a simple, in-home routine.
Four months after he started his treatment, Joe sat down with his consultant to assess his progress to date. During his free consultation, the two men had taken photos of Joe’s hair from several angles so as to have an accurate picture of how much progress Joe was making with his program. Comparing these photos to ones taken that date, Joe was thrilled with what he saw. Not only had it been an easy process to fit into his daily routine, but the early results spoke for themselves.
*name changed to protect privacy