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Case Study: Client Moves Forward With Treatment after Seeing Results Achieved by other Ashley and Martin Clients

April 26th, 2017 by Ashley and Martin Case Studies in Case Studies

For years Dean* had been noticing his hair thinning and regressing. To hide his hair loss he had taken to shaving his hair short. But even with a shaven head, friends were making comments about his steadily decreasing hair. The final straw came when he saw pictures of himself at a work function; seeing himself in these images, the severity of his hair loss finally hit home. He was completely aware how bad the regression in his temples and loss in his frontal hair line had been, however it was seeing his balding crown that prompted Dean into seeking help with Ashley and Martin.

After gathering background information and conducting a scalp examination, Dean’s consultant determined Dean was suffering from male pattern hair loss. The best hair loss treatment for this condition at Dean’s level was Ashley and Martin’s RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program. The consultant explained how the program worked and the benefits Dean was likely to receive. He also showed Dean examples of results other clients had received with the RealGROWTH® program. Seeing outcomes of the treatment plan for people who were experiencing similar levels of hair loss as he was gave Dean the confidence to move forward with treatment.

Dean adhered closely to his treatment plan and four months later he was contacted to participate in his first Ashley and Martin Review. It surprised Dean just how easy the progress had been and how little effort it had taken on his behalf to follow the program. His progress photos showed great strides forward had been made in all areas of his hair loss. His temporal recession had moved forward, frontal hair line strengthened and hair covered the thinning crown that had distressed him initially. Dean was very pleased with all aspects of his treatment.






*name changed to protect privacy