Case Study: Client Completely Blown Away by RealGROWTH Results
It was comments from his family and friends that prompted Dave* to search for a medical hair replacement company to help him regrow the hair he had lost. At 51, it was not overly surprising to see his hair disappearing, however it was not something he was ready to embrace yet. It had been six years since his male pattern baldness had started to present and now, with the encouragement of people close to him, he was ready to get started solving his problem.
He met with a consultant at an Ashley and Martin clinic in the city to discuss the treatment options available to him. Confident that a RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth program would be the most effective way to reverse the genetic hair loss Dave was experiencing, the consultant laid out how the different components would work and a realistic idea of what could be achieved. Dave’s program would include both prescription medication and a medicated topical solution; keen to start regrowing his hair straight away he booked and appointment with the clinic hair doctor in order to have his medication prescribed.
Determined to achieve the best results possible, Dave followed his RealGROWTH® program to the letter. He took his medication daily and attended laser therapy appointments at the clinic. By the time four months had passed, Dave was completely blown away by the results his RealGROWTH® program had given him. He felt he had recovered almost all of his lost hair and could not believe what a simple process it had been to generate such astounding results. Sixteen weeks previously his hair had been sparse from his temples all the way back to his crown. And now, sitting in his first Ashley and Martin review, he could see his hair had regained its density and life.

*name changed to protect privacy