Case Study: Ashley and Martin Client Sees Hair Increase in Quality and Density
With his father, both grandfathers and brother all suffering from hair loss, it came as no surprise to 25 year old student, Clint*, that he had begun to lose his hair in his early 20’s. Clint’s brother had come to Ashley and Martin when he had started to lose own hair and when it happened to him too Clint went online to submit an internet enquiry with Ashley and Martin.
Working between two clinics in the same metropolitan area the consultant Clint went to see was familiar with his family history as he was taking care of Clint’s brother in another clinic. Having been shedding his hair at an alarming rate over the past two years Clint was diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness, Norwood III vertex. Well established already , Clint’s hair loss was most prevalent along his parietal ridge, in addition to this his fine hair was sparse all over with a worrying amount of hair loss on his crown.
Clint’s consultant recommended a full RealGROWTH® medications program to arrest his hair loss and begin to grow his own hair back. Clint decided to go ahead with the treatment immediately as he was already aware of the process from speaking to his brother and seeing the effectiveness of the treatment firsthand.
With a new haircut and renewed self-confidence Clint returned to see his consultant to have his four month comparison photos taken and discuss how his treatment was going. With all the encouraging comments he had been receiving from his peers since starting treatment Clint was aware it had been working well for him. However looking at how far he had come since his first photos were taken he was thrilled to see his hair had increased in quality and density, his crown was covering over and his hairline in the parietal ridge was moving forward with all the new hair regrowth.
Twelve months after starting his treatment with Ashley and Martin, Clint still receives a substantial number of favourable remarks about his hair regrowth and continues to be pleased with the results he has achieved on the RealGROWTH® program.
*name changed to protect privacy