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Case Studies: Hair Loss Reversed After Ten Years of Shedding

November 3rd, 2015 by Rob Donkersloot in Case Studies

Samuel* came to Ashley and Martin more than ten years after he had begun to lose his hair. With hair loss prevalent on both the maternal and paternal sides of his family tree, Samuel was firmly entrenched in a genetic pattern.  By the time he attended his first appointment Samuel’s Male Pattern Hair Loss had progressed to a level V on the Norwood scale.

Due to the length of time Samuel had waited before seeking treatment for his extensive hair loss, his consultant had an honest discussion about the results he could realistically achieve using a medications program as opposed to other options available to him. Knowing that if he had sought treatment sooner he would have had a better chance of regrowing all of the hair he had lost, Samuel made the decision to try the RealGROWTH® program.

A medical history was done with his consultant during his first appointment and Samuel’s doctors visit confirmed there were no contraindications to prevent Samuel from taking any of the medications recommended to him by his consultant.  Samuel enrolled on a full RealGROWTH® program with laser treatments to compliment the work of the prescription medication.

Before returning to see his consultant for his sixteen week check-up Samuel had a fair indication that hair regrowth was visible on the top of his head.  Not only had Samuel’s family noticed the drastic regrowth of Samuel’s hair, but his friends had remarked on how good his hair was looking also. Comparing the photos taken by his consultant that day alongside photos taken when he first arrived at Ashley and Martin Samuel was delighted with the amount of his own hair he had been able to regrow.  He was especially pleased to see new hair on his crown where he did not originally have many follicles left to regrow.






*name changed for privacy reasons